James Mangold, Indy 5 director confirms the flashback cold open that has long been speculated for the movie. Shots of star Harrison Ford as a much younger version of himself were seen on location shoots. At the time it looked as though Indy was escaping from a WWII era prison. Now in Empire’s latest exclusive Indiana Jones 5 coverage, director Mangold has confirmed this in fact the case, and that de-ageing tech was used.
“I wanted the chance to dive into this kind of full-on George-and-Steven old picture and give the audience an adrenaline blast,” Mangold tells Empire in our world-exclusive Indiana Jones 5 issue. The solution? A setpiece that dials the clock back to 1944, set in a castle swarming with Nazis. Through the miracle of de-ageing technology, we’re going back towards Raiders-era Indy. “And then we fall out, and you find yourself in 1969,” Mangold explains of the transition to the main action of the film. “So that the audience doesn’t experience the change between the ‘40s and ‘60s as an intellectual conceit, but literally experiences the buccaneering spirit of those early days… and then the beginning of now.”
Producer and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy hypes that the tech has gone next level.
“My hope is that, although it will be talked about in terms of technology, you just watch it and go, ‘Oh my God, they just found footage. This was a thing they shot 40 years ago’,” says producer Kathleen Kennedy. “We’re dropping you into an adventure, something Indy is looking for, and instantly you have that feeling, ‘I’m in an Indiana Jones movie.’”
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Even star Harrison Ford says the de-ageing process is now scary.
“This is the first time I’ve seen it where I believe it,” Ford tells Empire. “It’s a little spooky. I don’t think I even want to know how it works, but it works.” Not that he’s pining to return to the time of the original Indy movies. “Doesn’t make me want to be young, though,” he says. “I’m glad to have earned my age.” Or, as a certain adventuring archaeologist once put it, it’s not the years, it’s the mileage.”
So we kinda know what to expect from the flashback cold open of Indiana Jones 5. However there is very little teased in terms of the plot of the 1969 story. We do know the Nazi scientist working with NASA (Mads Mikkelsen) is the primary antagonist. I think I have an idea, but that would be spoilers.
What do you think as James Mangold, Indy 5 director confirms the flashback cold open to the movie? As always, leave any thoughts below.