With filming underway some Ironheart set photos have surfaced from Just Jared. These images show the Ironheart suit, plus confirm the antagonist for the show. It goes without saying that there are spoilers below folks. Therefore, scroll at your own risk.
This Link to Just Jared will take you to all the images published. These show various different states of the same suit worn by Riri Williams in the show. Many fans think this is an adapted Iron Patriot suit, though I am less sure. Some fans of course want to see a suit which matches Ironheart from the comics. However, I’ll be surprised if Riri’s suit doesn’t evolve into that by the end of the series.
We also have images of Anthony Ramos in character and it’s safe to say we now know who he is playing. It seems the antagonist of Ironheart, played by Ramos is The Hood. For those unaware, The Hood was a fairly ordinary kid who came across a magical cloak and boots courtesy of a demon. The Hood began as more of an anti-hero, however as time progressed in the comics he became more of a mainstream villain. It remains to be seen if The Hood’s character arc in the MCU will follow suit. Rumors are that The Hood will stay for some time. Intriguingly in the comics, those artifacts of his are linked to a certain character we no longer mention…..Mephisto! Get your tinfoil hats on folks, here we go again. EDIT – (Been told in comments it was Dormammu who was connected to these magical items. However the character still had connections to Mephisto also I am told.)
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This news also explains some recent rumors from Daniel RPK’s Patreon service. Daniel shares a rumor he’s heard that Ironheart essentially is about Tech vs Magic. That would certainly match up with The Hood being the main villain.
As for the suit, given Riri’s first suit in Wakanda Forever seems to be made from bits of cars, this is a major upgrade. However I do still think this is like the Mk II version and by the end of the series Riri will have settled on a more comic accurate aesthetic. I guess we will find out in time for sure. We may even end up with some set photo’s showing other suits? However, I’m sure after today, Marvel will be doing their best to stop any more images being taken during filming. Problem is, when you film in public, there is not much you can do.
What do you think if these Ironheart set photos. What about the Ironheart suit, or the news The Hood is the villain played by Anthony Ramos? As always, leave any thoughts below in the usual spot.