James Gunn, co-head of DC Studios clarifies that only a slice of the new DCU will be revealed this month. Gunn responded to a fan on Instagram. Specifically to clarify this was not going to be some big dump of 20 upcoming movies they had dreamed up. Check out what Gunn had to say below.
“I am not announcing the 8-10 year slate. Just a few projects from the first chapter”
To be honest the most surprising aspect of this story is that a fan thought Gunn and Saffran would announce a detailed plan for a decade of movies. I mean where they got that from, how that would even be possible, I just don’t know? I’ll guess that 99.5% of the fans interested in DC movies understood that all we’d get are the initial first steps. I do expect we may get more announcement as the year progresses, but for now, no. Personally I’m just looking forward to hearing those first few projects announced. Luckily, that announcement should happen within the next 7 days, if Gunn sticks to his January statement.
Of these new projects, the only one we expect to hear about is the new Superman film. That’s because we know that movie is being written by James Gunn already. How far along the script is, we cannot say? However it seems that Superman film is likely to be one of the first projects announced. Outside of that, no one has any idea? If they say different. then they are likely telling porky pies. Well unless their names are James Gunn or Peter Saffran that is.
RELATED: James Gunn Talks About The Casting Process For The New DCU
I guess the question now for fans is, what would get you excited about the new DCU? What does the dream slate Gunn announces sound like? What should be the first few movies they go for that will ignite interest in this franchise?
Lastly, what do you think of his comments as James Gunn clarifies that only a slice of the new DCU will be revealed this month? Just what you expected, or were you hoping for a decade of content announced ahead of time like the person who messaged Gunn on Insta? As always, leave any thoughts you have below.