Jessica Jones is one of the Marvel’s most interesting on-screen properties. Not only is she one of the few female characters to actually get a lead, but she’s also one of the darker ones. The first season saw her deal with the demons of the her past in the form of a sexual abuse allegory (though probably not completely allegorical).
Given the weighty nature of that first season — and the amazing villain that was Kilgrave — one has to wonder where things will go next.
The folks at Digital Spy have the first official plot details, and here’s what they’ve dug up!
“New York City private investigator Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) is beginning to put her life back together after murdering her tormenter, Kilgrave. Now known throughout the city as a super-powered killer, a new case makes her reluctantly confront who she really is while digging deeper into her past to explore the reasons why.”
It’s a big on the vague side, but this early on, it makes sense. The subject matter is very introspective in nature, so the real good stuff has more to do with the emotional arc and less to do with the plot.
Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg commented on that, saying:
“I just want to continue with Jessica’s character – she’s very damaged, and the damage goes beyond Kilgrave, so there’s a lot to mine from in her backstory and her present day situation.”
Sounds pretty good. However, those who were hoping that the series may delve further into the mythology set by Brian Michael Bendis in the comics be disappointed. Rosenberg said:
“I will always use as much as I can from the books, but unfortunately we’ve gone away from that mythology. The MCU is very different, and we’re probably not going to be able to do parallel storylines. But I take every little piece I can [from the comics], because it’s so good.”
Are you excited to see how Jessica Jones Season 2 will turn out? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Digital Spy