All right, I have tried to defend the DC Cinematic Universe from time-to-time, but this next bit of news continues to damage their planning credibility. According to our friends over at Deadline, Joaquin Phoenix is still going to be playing The Joker even though it was revealed the other day that Jared Leto’s Joker will be getting a spin-0ff film. The difference?
Todd Phillips from Deadline reports that they will be from “a different DC origins cinematic banner.”
RELATED — Jared Leto’s Joker Getting His Own Standalone Movie
Hmm. That is REALLY odd. Why would they not just go one route? (I’d prefer the Phoenix origin story). So technically fans would be getting a Joker origins story set in the 80’s, but it wouldn’t be the same origin for Leto’s present-day Joker? Ok, so are they just over-complicating everything or looking to find movie success outside of the crumbling DC Cinematic Universe already created?
Now comic followers may be able to follow such an idea, but I feel like the average movie-goer will wonder why in the world two Joker movies by two different actors come out within a short span of time. It doesn’t seem like the calculated risk DC should be taking.
What are your thoughts on the Joker movies? Should they do both? One? None? Leave your thoughts in the usual place, and thanks for reading!
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