You see that face above? That’s the face of a man who’s no longer going to star in Todd Phillips’ upcoming Joker movie.
No, I’m not kidding. I’d legitimately just finished writing up an article about how he took to Twitter to claim he wasn’t going to play the role as a Donald Trump wannabe. Again, I’m not kidding. The actor actually said something like that on Twitter. Here’s what he said:
“Let me state, for the record, that I have NOT been hired to play a role in Todd Phillips’ JOKER as some Donald Trump manque.
That is not happening.
It’s clear to me now that this may have just been a misunderstanding on my part. I read it as him saying he wasn’t going to play the role like some Trump-y billionaire as previously reported, but he may very well have said he wasn’t joining the project at all. The reason I think that? USA Today and EW are both reporting that the man has dropped out of the role.
According to the former outlet, Baldwin stated:
“I’m no longer doing that movie. I’m sure there are 25 guys who can play that part.”
EW has gone on to confirm that report.
RELATED – Alec Baldwin Joins Todd Phillips’ Joker Movie
So yeah, what a bummer, man. I was actually looking forward to seeing what Baldwin would bring to the table and was getting even more excited that he could have played the role genuinely and not as some caricature. We’ll have to wait and see what we’ll end up with now.
Cameras roll on September 10, so hopefully, they have a backup.
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SOURCE: Alec Baldwin