The last two Fantastic Four films were a lot of things, but “gritty” sure wasn’t one of them. With a series reboot coming in August 2015, actor Michael B. Jordan says we can expect a different look and tone than we got last time. In a chat with ABC, Jordan says the film by Chronicle director Josh Trank was a lot of hard work, but that he and the cast are very excited to share the film with the rest of the world.
On the topic of how the titular characters will look, Jordan gives us an idea of what the costumes that he, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell will be wearing will look like. “It’s a new look. We are all in containment suits. … It’s gritty. It’s a gritty film,” he told the outlet. “The costume process definitely took some time to get in and out of that thing, especially since I was bulking up,” the actor said. “It was a little more snug during filming. We got through it man. It was a process, but we did it. It was hard work,” Jordan added.
About the production itself, Jordan says “I’m really excited about it, everyone is really happy.” “We worked hard for three months, put a lot of time into it. The script is very grounded and relatable to everybody, as much as you can,” he continued. The actor also stated, “You really get a chance to grow with these characters. It’s an origin story. You get to discover these abilities. These disabilities rather and grow with them.“
Interesting to see him refer to their abilities as “disabilities.” Makes you wonder if the script is going to go more of the “tormented heroes” route this time, with the characters struggling to accept the newfound responsibilities that come with their powers. A familiar trope, for sure, but very different than the glossy comedic tone of the first two FF films.