The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a crowning achievement in both film, adaptations, and comic books. It’s also very likely that the MCU would not exist without one person, Kevin Feige. The Marvel Studio president has guided the company’s properties with a near unblemished record, and today comes news of how Feige almost left the company before being given the reigns.
More coming out from Disney CEO Bob Iger’s book, The Ride of a Lifetime. The following excerpt tells how Marvel’s golden goose, Kevin Feige, almost quit due to conflicts with now former chairman and CEO of Marvel, Ike Perlmutter. Check out what Iger said down below.
“Kevin is one of the most talented film executives in the business, but my sense was that the strained relationship with New York was threatening his continued success. I knew I had to intervene, and so in May 2015, I made the decision to split Marvel’s movie-making unit off from the rest of Marvel and bring it under Alan Horn and the Walt Disney Studios. Kevin would now report directly to Alan, and would benefit from his experience, and the tensions that had built up between him and the New York office would be alleviated.”
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Well, while I’m sure Iger has a long list of accomplishments over the course of his career, this one has to rank pretty high on that list. This decision led to Marvel, and of course Disney dominating the box-office for a decade, while also proving the concept of a vast expanded cinematic universe.
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Source: ScreenRant (via The Ride of a Lifetime)