Avengers: Infinity War is only a year and a week away, landing on May 4, 2018, almost ten years from the the day that Iron Man was released in 2008. The nineteenth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Infinity War will be the culmination of the first three phases of Marvel Studios films, featuring the Avengers and the the Guardians of the Galaxy joining forces to take on the mad titan Thanos (Josh Brolin). Thanos’ primary interest will be acquiring the Infinity Stones, the first of which was introduced way back in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger. Surely, an adventure years in the making.
2012’s Marvel’s The Avengers was the first of its kind, a team-up film built on four origin films and one sequel (Iron Man 2), for a satisfying crossover the like of which we had never seen. Now, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige tells Fandango that we still haven’t seen anything yet:
“It’s more exciting than people are aware of right now, with what’s happening [on Infinity War]. We’re doing things you’ve never seen before with films based on comics.â€
That’s big talk, but big talk from a man and studio that continue to deliver on their boasts and promises. As far as the scale of the film, Feige offered a comparison to illustrate the difference between Infinity War and the films that have preceded it:
“We’re deep into shooting; we’ve been shooting for 35 days. On most movies you’re almost halfway there after 35 days, but on these movies we’re still just scratching the surface. We’ll be filming through the end of the year.”
We’ve seen giant team-ups, we’ve seen superheros fighting superheros, and we’ve seen several cosmic adventures, with another on the way this November in Thor: Ragnarok, so what could Marvel possibly have planned to knock our socks off, besides the sheer the scale of the film? I’m excited to find! But with this level of excitement, can it really be more exciting then I am “aware of right now?” I guess only Feige can know that for sure.
What do you expect Infinity War will do that has never been done before in films based on comics? Any ideas past the plot points we can already expect? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!
Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 4, 2018.
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SOURCE: Fandango