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Kevin Feige Talks The Future Of The Quantum Realm Within The MCU

Not a lot of details are known about where the Marvel Cinematic Universe will head in Phase 4. What we do know is that Marvel has been peppering hints of the quantum realm in a few of their films, Ant-Man as well as Doctor Strange to name a couple of them. Speaking at an Ant-Man and the Wasp press conference, Marvel head Kevin Feige was asked what the plans were for the quantum realm, and as always, Feige was very careful with his words.

“Well, I mean, yeah, without giving anything away, we love, you know, these… they’re all storytelling tools; new places, new things. In the first film it was, we got a glimpse of it for people who like to go through frame-by-frame, there were a little silhouette of… of Janet as the Wasp in there, which is a big story element in this movie. There are things that you see back there… that Peyton has put in there — where and how they pay off in the near term, in the long term… remains to be seen.”

RELATED: Ant-Man And The Wasp Review: Now, Onto The Lighter Side Of The MCU…(NON-SPOILERS)

While Feige didn’t give us much to go on as far as the realm’s future, it does seem like Marvel is at least putting things in place to bring aspects such as this into the MCU in a larger way. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, Marvel has shown us this plane of existence in three films now, so it wouldn’t be crazy to assume that they do have bigger plans for it.

Is this a good realm for Marvel to explore? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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