This week I (Stephon) am chiming in here to talk about what I as a fan want from James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. I dig both Marvel and the DCEU. Marvel did set the tone with their successful entries into their universe. I love them all, but out of all the Marvel films Guardians Of The Galaxy happens to be my favorite. So, I am excited that the very same director of my favorite Marvel film will be directing The Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad
David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. When I think of it, one phrase comes to mind: what the hell happened? After the initial trailer dropped, I was sure I was buying a movie ticket or two in the event I wanted to see it twice. How could I not be hooked after the trailers opening shot features Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Deadshot, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc, Jay Hernandez as Chato Santana, while ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ provides a soundtrack to a mad promise.
Yes, I’d consider the trailer for any movie a promise from the filmmakers. A promise that all that excitement and fireworks teased in the trailer will be delivered in the final movie. In the end as I sat in the theater as the credits rolled, I realized Suicide Squad broke that promise. At least for me it did. In the end, the ensemble action party was a let-down.
I am optimistic that the new man at helm in the directors’ chair, James Gunn will handle the ensemble cast as well, if not better than he did with the Guardians of The Galaxy and its sequel. Gunn has proven he can. He imbues each character with a quality that sets them apart from one another. Out of all the Marvel introduction films, I believe that Guardians of The Galaxy was the best Marvel introduction to a new set of characters. Gunn pulled off the difficult task of introducing multiple characters with differing personalities and set them up to successfully enter the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thankfully we’ve got Gunn directing The Suicide Squad.
Likeable Anti-heroes
A big thing for my enjoyability level during a movie has to do with how well I like the characters on the screen. There are obstacles to doing this with one main character. More so when there are multiple main characters. A compelling storyline is nothing without strong characters. Take the late Joel Schumacher’s Falling Down for instance. The main character continuously trips down a path leading towards his demise. He should be unlikeable. But he was not. And therefore, I could not turn away for a moment when I saw it on the screen.
I’m hoping Gunn’s Squad is full of magnetic personalities. They are the bad guys we’re supposed to root for in the end. Out of all the stories in Suicide Squad, none of them really had high stakes. I recall Deadshot wanting to see his daughter. There was also the part where a baller Joker and Harley Quinn steal a sports car and Batman chases them. It felt like that should have been a separate movie. I would have paid for that. Harley and Mr. J on cross country version of Speed. They go slow and the entire Gotham blows. But hard-ass Batman doesn’t believe them and is intent to stop them. Gotham White Knight meets Speed?
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Back to the topic. Then there was the Squad’s main mission to stop Enchantress. It all felt muddled. I did not really care much for any of the characters on screen. Marvel’s Groot had more personality than any member of the Suicide Squad. I want Gunn to deliver a lovable yet terrifying squad of backstabbing rebellious killers.
David Ayer’s Suicide Squad presented a roster of characters. On paper it seemed like a DC fans wet dream. Not only were we getting several key players from the ‘Suicide Squad’ comic book. We were also getting Jared Leto as the Joker, and a cameo by Ben Affleck’s Batman. I will provide a little context into just how significant the latter two mentions were. Leto was the first actor in a theatrical release to portray the Joker since the late Heat Ledger’s amazingly twisted Nietzsche inspired performance as the Joker. Ben Affleck, he had hard fought his way from the days of Gigli and delivered a trio of great films: The Town, Argo, and Gone Girl.
In the end, most of the characters in Ayer’s Suicide Squad were lost in a muddled plot involving poor people, a devious Amanda Waller, and Deadshot’s custody battle that featured a Batman cameo. There’s also some stuff with an Iceberg Slim inspired Joker and his S&M relationship with Harley Quinn. Neither of those bits were strong enough to keep that turd-ship from sinking. I know there is a lot of talk about an Ayer cut like what the #releasethesnydercut fans were able to achieve with Justice League. But I have not seen that film. When I do, I will rethink my position.
Suicidal Missions
This is not Mission: Impossible. This is supposed to be The Suicide Squad. So why were so many characters left alive? If Tarantino will daringly kill off just about everyone of his characters before the credits role in his films, then when you make a film called Suicide Squad featuring a bunch of comic book characters those characters better not survive. And don’t you sequel potential talk me! If Alonzo can die at the end of Training Day and win Denzel Washington an Oscar then a dozen comic book characters can build themselves up to be likeable in my eyes as they drop on screen faster than flies before the credits roll.
Just look at the comic book for instance. Many times, characters on the Squad die and are replaced with new members while the Squad is on mission. It brings a whole new level of meaning to the phrase don’t get too attached. Another thing I want to see is more manipulation of the Squad by Amanda Waller. By that I mean, I would like to see her switching team leaders from mission to mission. In the comics, the leadership of the Squad has varied from mission to mission. Not only that, but the Squad has been depicted as a who’s who of backstabbers. These criminals mostly have no code and will sell one another out to villains while on missions for Waller. At times Waller has even directed squad members to off other members and use their deaths to cover-up the Squads missions.
Deadshot is a must. It kind of irks the hell out of me that Will Smith is not back as Deadshot. What, are they holding out hope he will return for a third film? Bring on Killer Shark. Dave Bautista was practically born to play the role. His dead-pan comedy would be perfect for Shark who when not raving for meat, or hiding a team member down his gullet, might be dropping some insightful philosophical bites of wisdom.
Just please elevate the makeup and special effects game so he comes across better than Killer Croc did. I wasn’t mad at Croc. But he could have been better. It wouldn’t hurt to toss in either Bronze Tiger or Black Spider. I hope that Idris Elba appears as one of the two.
While we’re at it, cast Lashina, because she is amazing. Not only was she raised by Granny Goodness, but she rocks leather like it was officially Matrix day 2020.And while we’re at it, let’s also see a version of Bane. I know I know, didn’t Tom Hardy deliver a bang up job as Bane? He did bring a very realistic grounded Bane. But I am hoping that The Suicide Squad embraces its comic book roots. I mean let’s be honest everything Nolan does seems like it could be lost footage from Michael Mann’s Heat. It’s not a bad thing. But let’s get a comic book Bane smacked out on venom for once.
Better Villains
If you had asked me who the villains were in Suicide Squad pre-release, then I would have answered The Joker and his henchman. But after seeing the movie I must agree that it was the Enchantress, and her generic brother. They also had an army of mutated people. I wasn’t a fan of any of that. I would have much preferred the Joker or any other villain over Enchantress.
It would be nice to see the Squad face off against some dark version of the Justice League. Imagine Deadshot laying cover fire down against an evil Superman using kryptonite rounds. Or have them breaking into Arkham Asylum and facing off with Batman’s rogues. This has been done in the DC animated film, Batman: Assault on Arkham, but an alternate take would be nice.
Wrap It Up Fanboy
I’m just saying that I want Gunn to do Gunn, and thus far he has not disappointed. Just bring on the comic book inspired action. Make it off the wall and zaney, but most of all make it make sense. Or have it make no sense at all, if that’s what Gunn thinks works best. Just please no more horror stories about how upper management turned a great cut into mincemeat. There are enough cooks in the kitchen. They’re called James Gunn, so let him do some cooking.
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