Hey LRM readers, we are gearing up to record the third episode of LRM’s Trivia Gauntlet of Infinite Doom. The game where we play, and you win. Yep, our contributors test their film knowledge with some of the most absurdly difficult trivia questions you’ve ever heard.
All on your behalf, in hopes of winning one of you a kick-ass geek prize. This week’s prize happens to be a super comfy pair of Hobbit slippers. Check them out!
If you haven’t checked out the show, you should give it a shot. We think it’s pretty cool and it’s a crapton of fun. The previous episode is down at the bottom of the article. Give it a listen and find out what it’s like to face The Gauntlet.
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How To Be Represented by an LRM Contributor
To get an LRM contributor to play for you, just email LRM editor-in-Chief Joseph “Jammer” Medina at [email protected] with the subject “LRM Gauntlet.” Then, in the body of the email tell him, “I want hairy feet!”
We will then pick three of you at random to be represented by LRM contributors on the next episode of LRM’s Trivia Gauntlet of Infinite Doom.
The episode will air next Thursday, July 2, on LRM Online Podcast Network which you can find links to below. Be sure to tune in and check out our fun and unique entertainment trivia game. Seriously, come test your film knowledge with last week’s episode, and leave us a comment. We designed this game for writers like us and readers like you. In other words, people who probably know way too much random information about films.
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