Sorry this is around a day late, but here finally is my written Mando S3E3 review. I have to say I found this episode of The Mandalorian very surprising. However as I say in the title, it’s in a good way. Honestly I was a little thrown at times about where this was going, but after all is said and done, I really enjoyed it.
As always, I will be attempting to keep this as SPOILER Free as possible, that’s going to be a little tough to pull off this week, so bear that in mind going in. Not that there will be spoilers, but it may read as if I’m being a little vague at times.
Two Stories
There are two stories being told here in Episode 3, called ‘The Convert’. Both stories have a connection to that title. However, the connections between each other are less clear up front. Given how things ended in Episode 2, we do begin with the aftermath of that episode and continue on with Dinn, Grogu, and Bo-Katan. If last week was a Grogu centric episode with a dash of Bo-Katan, I’d say this was Bo-Katan with a dash of Dinn Djarin. I won’t get into the story itself but this is the story with which Episode 3 begins
Sandwiched into the middle of all this is a story told from the point of view of Doctor Pershing. You may remember Pershing from such shows as Mando Season 1 and 2. Pershing is being reintegrated into New Republic life after being an Imperial for so long.
That story concludes, in a way, and then we move back to bookend on Mando, Grogu and Bo-Katan once more to close.
I guess for me, I was surprised to get two seemingly separate stories sandwiched together, and there is a risk it does not work. Some people I’ve already heard say they loved the bookend parts, but didn’t like the Pershing filling in the sandwich. Now I would disagree with them, because I found that particular story fascinating, different, mysterious and tense. It was almost Andor levels of dark, and I’m here for that.
I think there is a connection between these two stories, I don’t want to say it for now, but if you want to get right into spoiler territory feel free to check out this week’s The Cantina Reviews. (Sorry I had no video for me this week). This link is for our Mando S3E3 review.
Bo-Katan and Pals
Bo-Katan is becoming more and more interesting as a character to me. Again no spoilers, but we definitely see things move in a new direction for Bo-Katan this week. I guess what I like so far is that her true motivations remain clouded. I’m really not sure which one of two possible directions things are going with this character yet. That’s always good in a TV series I think at this stage.
If I had perhaps one criticism this week, it’s that Grogu didn’t really get to do… anything compared to last week. Also, I guess Dinn doesn’t do much for the second week in a row. It’s fine for now, don’t get me wrong. However it is something to watch out for as the season progresses.
As for the Pershing sandwich filler, it was really nice to be back on Coruscant again. It was also really cool to see how the New Republic is functioning there and how they are dealing with the transition from the Empire. I’m also convinced that the seeds are being sown for showing us how the First Order could have arisen again so quickly.
I don’t want to get into where Pershing’s plot goes this week. However I did enjoy the tension that seemed to escalate throughout. My Cantina co-host Kyle Malone felt like perhaps some of these scenes could have made there way into Episode 1, or 2. Thereby, reducing the time this week and making it less jarring. However I disagreed with him on that point. I like how this feels like a separate and almost self contained story of what happened to this character next. At the same time, as I allude to above, I feel like there are hints at what connects both sides of the story this week. Perhaps I should say who, but let’s not go there for now. Therefore, jarring may be the right word, however sometimes I like that in a show. It felt like someone forced me to sit up and pay attention this week.
Be warned though, If you are someone that needs constant pew, pew action from Star Wars then there is not much happening on Coruscant to please you. It feels far more like Andor in the way it feels like an adult, slower drama. However things never quite get as dark as Andor, they do push the bubble though and I appreciate that.
You will find yourself some fine action scenes in the early parts of Episode 3 involving the carry over from Episode 2. A bit of aerial dog-fighting always pleases me as a Star Wars fan, and this was well put together. I don’t need action every week, but that’s the only pew, pew moments you’ll find in Episode 3, if that’s your bag.
RELATED: Mando S3E2 Review: Much Better Than Last Week
Overall I really enjoyed Mando S3E3, and it was in my opinion the best episode of Season 3 so far, undoubtedly. I’m excited too see where this Season is going and I can’t quote see that telegraphed in front of me yet, which is good. Everyone is great acting wise here, it looks great, and it was tense, surprising and mysterious. What more can you ask for?
As always, let me know what you thought of my Mando S3E3 review. Also feel free to leave your own review in the usual spot below.