I always thought if Game of Thrones let me down, it would be with the story itself, and not the way it was told. Season 8 proved me wrong. The season will likely be argued about from now to the end of time. Choosing to cut themselves short on the amount of they needed to finish telling the story is a mistake I did not expect Benioff and Weiss to make. Of course seeing the choice as a mistake is merely my opinion (though I don’t think I’m alone).
One thing I loved about the season, was the episode, “The Long Night.” The episode was 90 minutes of panic attack-inducing chaos. What they did, with the lighting, it worked for me, I understand it didn’t work for everyone, but it did for me.
As it turns out, director, Miguel Sapochnik, wanted the episode to be more like what people some call old Game of Thrones. I would be in that group. As Sapochnik explains below in an interview with Indiewire he really wanted to remind people of the show they were watching.
“I wanted to kill everyone. I wanted to kill Jorah in the horse charge at the beginning. I was up for killing absolutely everyone. I wanted it to be ruthless, so that in the first 10 minutes you say, ‘All bets are off; anyone could die.’ And David and Dan didn’t want to. There was a lot of back-and-forth on that.”
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I was expecting something similar to what Sapochnik wanted to do, sort of a, “In case you forgot, this is the show you’re watching.” Had the show ended with the Night King and his army rolling over Westeros and killing everyone, I would not have had a problem with that.
“The Long Night,” gave me anxiety thinking about it, I thought this is where D&D would crush every fiber of the fans’ being. When Brienne went down, that scream, I thought she was done, I thought Brienne of Tarth met her end by being eaten alive by wights. I didn’t want that to happen to her, but, I think it should have, it would have felt more, “Old” Game of Thrones.
The best way I’ve heard it described is as follows.
Old Game of Thrones – “I can’t believe they killed that character.”
New Game of Thrones – “I can’t believe they let that character live.”
Sure, the season had more issues than what’s mentioned above, but it surely was an aspect that felt off.
How would you have felt if everyone, or most everyone was killed in the Battle of Winterfell? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: IndieWire