Moon Knight cut an Eternals cameo and head writer Jeremy Slater explains why it had to go. This week already Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab has indicated that two crossover plans to the wider MCU were cut. Speaking with The Wrap Diab talked about the reasons these were dropped.
“We had the freedom to place it whenever. I want to tell you the very first scene, there was a crossover, and the very end scene, there was a crossover. But as the story developed and we kept changing the scripts, we felt like, ‘We don’t need that. All of us. It was a collective decision.”
Further to this head writer Jeremy Slater spoke to The Direct and he was specific about a scene he had planned for an Eternals cameo. Ultimately though, the scene would have cost far too much money to make for such a small inconsequential moment.
“I tried very hard to get the Eternals into the show, just because I’m buddies with Kumail Nanjiani… I want[ed] some Kingo. At one point, there was a flashback on the page that sort of showed one of Khonshu’s Avatars back in ancient Egypt. Sort of dealing with Ammit being locked away, and Alexander the Great, and all of that stuff. You sort of saw this Avatar team-up with the Eternals. It was a really fun scene, but again, it was so massively expensive to recreate Ancient Egypt, to sort of bring in 3 or 4 of the Eternals to have this big action sequence.”
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“It was one of those things where it was a very fun scene, and it would have been a great cold open to one of the episodes, but it also would have had to come out of our budget somewhere else, and probably would have hurt our finale along the way. So, that was the cameo I had to cut. It hurt, but it was also the right thing to do for the show, and I think everyone sort of collectively agreed. There’s plenty of time in the future to team this guy up with other characters in the MCU and start building these connections; let’s not force something just because the other shows have all had it.”
Honesty, while this cameo does sound cool and all, Moon Knight didn’t need it. One of the most refreshing aspects of Moon Knight was that it stood on it’s own. It didn’t need to have any wider MCU connections.
What do you think as head writer Jeremy Slater explains why Moon Knight cut an Eternals cameo. Do you agree with me that Moon Knight was fine as is? Or, do you think Marvel should have stumped up the budget for this scene? Thoughts below or over on Discord as always.