Morfydd Clark Talks Amazon’s The Lord Of The Rings Show

Amazon's Lord of the Rings show leaves New Zealand for Britain in Season 2

Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings show, which still has no official title is currently filming in New Zealand. It’s a pretty mammoth shoot and we know the original plan was to film most of Season 1 and 2 back to back. The first two episodes were filmed prior to lockdown and then there was supposed to be a six-month hiatus for scripting. Though the plan post-lockdown has never been made explicitly clear, we think Season 1 and Season 2 are still filming concurrently in New Zealand.

Actress Morfydd Clark can’t talk too much about her involvement in the show, though we already know she will play Galadriel. The Galadriel role was made famous by Cate Blanchett in the Peter Jackson helmed movies. However, this version of Galadriel is likely around 5-6 thousand years y6ounger than the Cate Blanchett version. Of course, Galadriel is an immortal Elven Queen so she doesn’t really do the ageing thing.


Amazon's The Lord of the Rings show
Morfydd Clark in His Dark Materials, HBO.

Clark recently chatted to Esquire and though she could not say much, talk did turn to Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings show. The outlet first asked Clark how long she had left of the shoot.

“I hope to be home in a few months, maybe more,” she says. “We’re all at the mercy of something so huge, it’s kind of just ‘take each week as it comes. I can tell you I’m having a mind-blowing time,” she says, carefully. “I have escaped into fantasy since I had Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter read to me when I was five. So, it feels amazing to be part of something that I hope will bring people that same escapism and comfort.”

Clark was then asked what it feels like to make the most expensive TV show in history (the rights reportedly cost Amazon $250M)?

“Well, yes. It is very expensive. There’s a lot going on. And you do feel the pressure of that. But also: I’m a thread in this tapestry. I’ll be all worried about my performance and then I get on set and I’m, like, “Well, look at this!” and “Look at this – my costume!” and you realise that there’s just so many arms, just holding you up, to get this story made. So that’s quite amazing.”

Finally, Clark was then asked if she expected to be around for a full five seasons of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings show.

“Yeah,” she says. “Who knows? Yeah. Yes. I’m not sure…”

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Slightly coy there, because I don’t think there has ever been official word that this show will last for five seasons. As of right now, we think Season 1 and Season 2 are filming back to back. A slightly sneaky question from Esquire there, but we appreciate it. As for her character, it would certainly make sense for Galadriel to be around for all five season of the show, if that is indeed the plan. However, that’s not a guarantee. The character of Galadriel is still alive today if you pretend Tolkien’s history was real, but that doesn’t always make her a main player.

Given that we don’t fully understand the story we are dealing with here it’s hard to say. All we truly know is that Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings show is set somewhere within a Second Age that lasted 3441 years. I can say with some certainty that Galadriel is not directly involved with every event that happens across this mind blowing space of time. But what period exactly will the show attempt to cover here? That I cannot answer and until we can, we cannot say whether Clark’s Galadriel will be central to the plot of every Season.

Are you excited for Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings show? What do you think of Clark’s comments here? As always, leave any thoughts below.

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