A new documentary celebrating the life and work of legendary composer John Williams is set to premiere on Disney+ on November 1, alongside a limited theatrical release in New York, Los Angeles, and London. Titled Music by John Williams, the film offers an in-depth exploration of the prolific career of the composer known for scoring some of the most iconic films of all time.
Produced by Lucasfilm Ltd., Amblin Documentaries, and Imagine Documentaries, the film will also kick off the 38th annual AFI Fest in Los Angeles on October 23. Advance tickets for the limited theatrical release go on sale October 24 via Fandango and other outlets.
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Laurent Bouzereau, Music by John Williams delves into Williams’ storied career, spanning from his early days as a jazz pianist to becoming one of the most celebrated composers in cinematic history. With 54 Oscar® nominations and five wins, Williams has shaped the soundscape of countless beloved franchises, including Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Harry Potter, and Jurassic Park.
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The documentary features interviews with artists, filmmakers, and collaborators who have been profoundly influenced by Williams’ work. It will highlight not only his contribution to film scores but also his music for the concert stage and the lasting impact his compositions have had on popular culture.
Among the powerhouse producers behind the film are Steven Spielberg, Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, and Laurent Bouzereau himself. With such a prestigious production team, Music by John Williams is poised to be a must-watch for film and music fans alike.
Be sure to catch Music by John Williams streaming on Disney+ or in theaters starting November 1.