“The reign of the middle-aged white man is over,” says Robin Wright in Netflix’s new trailer for House of Cards. My, we have come a long way. Think back. The year was 2013. Streaming service Netflix had fully transitioned from DVD’s in your mailbox to streaming them right into your home. Then Netflix was a good reason to skip the lines at Redbox to see recent DVD releases. Now Netflix is the home to some pretty exciting original content. That transition was possible largely thanks to the way audiences responded to Netflix’s House of Cards.
Pre-accusation Kevin Spacey portrayed a doggedly deceptive politician with equal amounts charisma. The verdict? Netflix had a hit series that allowed its protagonist to revel in man’s worst impulses, all the while he manned a runaway freight train aimed squarely at the Presidential Office.
Since Netflix gave the ax to Spacey’s Kevin Underwood character in the wake of the #metoo movement. We will now get to witness his better half and partner in crime Claire Underwood as she presides over our great nation. By the looks of Netflix’s new trailer, we will be in for a treat. Claire is going to have to fill some pretty big britches left by Frank, and they may come equipped with all manner of shady Washington characters. As Good As It Get’s, Greg Kinnear is a standout in the trailer, which you can check out below.
Come November 2, 2018 make sure you’re ready to binge the final season of House of Cards.
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