Simpsons creator Matt Groening has a new animated series that will be coming to Netflix. An adult fantasy show titled, Disenchanment, the show will follow the story of Princess Bean and her adventures with her two companions. The show’s official Twitter page announced the news. You can kind of get a sneak peek at the post below, although Groening appears to be having some fun with viewers as none of the characters are able to be seen in full.
A princess, an elf, and a demon walk into a bar…
The new series from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, coming soon.
— Disenchantment (@disenchantment) May 22, 2018
The show will consist of two, 10-episode seasons
Groening, who is, of course, most well known for creating the longest-running scripted television show in history in The Simpsons, also created the very popular Futurama. I am interested to see how Groening operates without the usual network restrictions his shows have had in the past.
The show will consist of two, 10-episode seasons and is set to premiere the first 10 episodes on August 17.
An official synopsis for the show follows below.
“In Disenchantment, viewers will be whisked away to the crumbling medieval kingdom of Dreamland, where they will follow the misadventures of hard-drinking young princess Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo, and her personal demon Luci. Along the way, the oddball trio will encounter ogres, sprites, harpies, imps, trolls, walruses, and lots of human fools.”
Does this sound like a show you would watch? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: SlashFilm