The marketing push has officially begun for Marvel Studios’ next film, Black Panther. The studio has now teamed up with EW to release a brand-new featurette for the film. In this one, we get producer Kevin Feige, director Ryan Coogler, and actor Chadwick Boseman — not to mention the man himself, Stan Lee — discussing the character, and what to expect in the upcoming film.
As we’ve already seen in the trailers for the movie, Black Panther will be sporting some topnotch, highly polished action set pieces, in addition to the rich African culture aesthetic. It’s a film unlike we’ve ever seen before, and it certainly fills that “spectacle” checkbox on our list of things we want out of Marvel movies.
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However, don’t just expect spectacle.
“You want the wow factor, but it’s not just stuff blowing up. It’s definitely a character piece,” said Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman.
From the looks of it, this movie will delve into his character, his desires, struggles, and overall history that readers of the comic grew to love. Given all this, and the strides this film makes in terms of diversity, we certainly can’t wait to see how the movie turns out.
What do you think of this latest featurette? Let us know down below!
Black Panther hits theaters on February 16, 2018.
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