A new Star Wars comic has Kylo Ren going through the exact same trial as Luke. A new installment in the comic series Age of Resistance is this time focusing on Supreme Leader Snoke. Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Supreme Leader Snoke #1 will hopefully give us a little more backstory on the Supreme Leader. Finally, we get some dirt on old Snokey.
The setting is thought to be sometime before The Force Awakens Snoke takes Kylo Ren to Dagobah for training purposes, and he has Kylo enter the same tree that Yoda had Luke Skywalker enter. While it’s the same tree, Kylo’s experience is somewhat different, though there are similarities. According to IGN Snoke tells Kylo something along the lines of if he had Luke at his side, instead of Kylo, the First Order would have already taken over the galaxy.
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While I think Disney took the franchise in the wrong direction and missed out on some opportunities, I do like that they’re trying to fill in the blanks and give us some of the missing pieces to characters some of us feel we didn’t get to see enough off-screen.
I don’t have time to read comics, though I would watch this story play out in an animated film. I love the Degobah scenes in Empire Strikes Back. I especially love when Luke asks Yoda what’s inside the tree, and the Jedi Master says, “Only what you take with you.” I really enjoy how that quote is simple enough on the surface, but it also can go very deep into the Force, and the student who dares enter that wooden domain of evil.
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Source: IGN