Some Obi-Wan Kenobi set photos hit the web over the weekend from Just Jared. The photos sadly don’t really show us very much. The images are all of actors walking to the set from costume. However, most of the actors are wearing covers preventing us from getting a good look at what they are wearing. Yet, despite this we can pretty much see that McGregor is wearing something like we’d expect and the stormtroopers are kinda hard to hide. We also have confirmation that Game of Thrones Indira Varma is playing an Imperial Officer based on her costume. Check them all out at your leisure in the link below.
We have over 90 photos of Ewan McGregor and other cast members on the set of the #ObiWanKenobi series. Check out the full gallery now!
— (@JustJared) June 12, 2021
Honestly, other than the reveal of Varma, there is not much to say about these images for now. Everyone knew this show would have Obi-Wan Kenobi and Imperials and so far tall we are seeing is confirmation of that. Despite not thinking he was good in the role of Anakin, I think I’m most excited to see any shots of Hayden Christensen. McGregor always felt like he was a good actor working with bad material in the PT. However, I’m not sure that was always the case with Christensen. Still, one would imagine that most of Christensen’s screen time would be in the suit this time around. However we do know from various sources including our own here at LRM that there will be flashbacks and that means we will see Christensen and McGregor together again with no suit. What I cannot tell you is the purpose of, or quantity of those flashbacks in the show.
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I still think Lucasfilm/Disney missed a trick on May 4th by not showing us a BTS of when Christensen and McGregor met again on set. The video would have told us absolutely nothing and yet stoked the hype up amongst the fans. Oh well, there’s always next year right Disney? Though, from what LRM has heard, Star Wars Celebration could be the place where we get a huge information dump next May.
What do you think of these Obi-Wan Kenobi set photos? Is Varma a good choice for an Imperial Officer? Leave any thoughts you have below.