Pacific Rim Uprising Director Took The Best Ideas From Previous Scripts


Sometimes working a project that has went through a few re-writes can be beneficial. Just ask the director of Pacific Rim: Uprising, Steven S. DeKnight. DeKnight was able to go through the revisions of the film’s script and choose the best from a smorgasbord of ideas:

“When I came on there were three other drafts of the script that were developed through the years. I read them and there were great elements of each one, so I cherry-picked the best parts of three scripts, which was fantastic to have that opportunity. Then I sent Kira and Emily off to write the script because we only had like three weeks to write it at that point, and as they were writing, I was rewriting, and then we had a draft of the script at that point.”

Of course, not everything aligned perfectly. They may have had a script, but one of its stars wasn’t able to return anymore:

“Then, if I remember the story correctly, I turned it in, Legendary loves it, and literally 24 hours later, Charlie Hunnam announces he was doing the ‘Papillon’ remake and wasn’t available, so we had a bit of a scramble to reconceive the idea. We wanted to keep the story we had, just take Charlie Hunnam out of it and realign it. So we did some amazing work and I started polishing it up and here we are.”

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While having too many choices can be a problem in itself, having the ideas of a few different writers has a lot of upside. Being able to ‘cherrypick’ as DeKnight called it can really help to meld ideas and bring forth the best script possible.

Losing one big name in Charlie Hunnam, who starred in the original film, but elected to work on a different project, and bringing in up and coming star, John Boyega, the franchise should still hold strong. Being a fan of the works of Guillermo Del Toro, I enjoyed the first film, and am excited for the more monsters vs giant robots action.

Pacific Rim Uprising opens March 23, 2018.

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Source: ComingSoon

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