At the end of the seventh season there was a moment we all new would happen, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen had some alone time. It was also brought to the viewers attention that Tyrion was well aware of the duo’s rendezvous. It was difficult to tell what Tyrion’s thoughts were, was he jealous? Was he worried about how it affect the future? It seems as if it was a little from alcumn A and a little from column B, in speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Peter Dinklage talked about the scene and what was going through Tyrion’s mind.
First, Dinkalge joked, “Keep it down over there, I’m trying to get some sleep!”
He then continued:
“No, ah, it’s complicated a lot of the time with Tyrion, it’s professional and personal. Obviously, he has feelings for Daenerys. He loves her — or thinks he does. She’s awe-inspiring. He’s questioning that because he doesn’t have a good track record for falling in love. There’s jealousy wrapped up in there. And he loves Jon Snow, too. They’re the two people he has the most in common with, in a way — they’re both outsiders in their own families who have refused to follow the path their family has taken, and hopefully for the better. He’s wondering how smart of a move [Jon and Dany getting romantically involved is], because passion and politics don’t mix well. He knows the two of them getting together could be very dangerous.”
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I agree Tyrion loves both of them, albeit, in different ways, but there is love there. Romantic relationships most always cause trouble, and in the world of Game of Thrones the effect is multiplied. Not only can their relationship put strains on the effort to defeat the White Walkers, and once they find out they’re related, that will likely to make the situation even more difficult to deal with.
Do you agree with Tyrion, is mixing passion and politics a bad idea? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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Source: Entertainment Weekly