Not long ago the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decided it would be a good idea to add another category, Popular Film. This decision was met with much criticism. John Bailey, president of the Academy says he was shocked to see the backlash that came the Academy’s way from the Popular Film Category idea. In speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Bailey discussed the issues surrounding the proposed new category.
“I wasn’t expecting that kind of knee-jerk reaction, largely from journalists. I don’t know why that happened because these are the same people who have also criticized the Academy for being quote unquote irrelevant and not actually addressing the taste of people that go to the movies. The same people who have criticized us for irrelevance and elitism now suddenly were the guardians at the gate, talking about the bowdlerization of the Oscars.”
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I think if the category could be handled in a specific way, it could work. This category simply has to be separated from the rest in a way not to taint the others, more established categories. I mean, I think the audience will understand that the Popular Film winner doesn’t really compare in quality to the other films that are up for the awards. And besides, most of us enjoy popcorn movies to varying extents, they deserve some sort of recognition besides the MTV Movie Awards.
It is also worth mentioning that 54 members of the board voted to hold off on the category.
What is your opinion on the addition of this category? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: THR