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Ready Player One Posters Celebrate Classic Movies

Ready Player One is coming out later this month, and with it, it will bring a ridiculous amount of pop culture references, for better or worse. While I enjoyed the book a great deal, there is no denying how much it leans on retro pop culture, and based on the trailers, that aspect looks to be taken advantage of in full.

I fully expect this aspect of the story to carry over to the actual marketing of the movie, and if this batch of posters is in any way official, then this is pretty much a confirmation. One Instagram user found 12 or so posters on a corner of Santa Monica, and each one pokes fun at a different film.

Check out the image below:

One Imgur user was quick to throw up these posters separately online for all to enjoy as well. Check that out below:

Ready Player One (Homage Posters)

Below is the official synopsis for Ready Player One:

“From filmmaker Steven Spielberg comes the science fiction action adventure Ready Player One, based on Ernest Cline’s bestseller of the same name, which has become a worldwide phenomenon. The film is set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse. But the people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance). When Halliday dies, he leaves his immense fortune to the first person to find a digital Easter egg he has hidden somewhere in the OASIS, sparking a contest that grips the entire world. When an unlikely young hero named Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) decides to join the contest, he is hurled into a breakneck, reality-bending treasure hunt through a fantastical universe of mystery, discovery and danger.”

What do you think of these new posters? Do you think they’re legit or just the work of an enthusiastic street artist? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Opiewann, Haajm

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