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Rumor – Two New Marvel Series May Be Heading To Disney+, With One Possibly Being Based On Secret Invasion

Ike Perlmutter says he was fired from Disney, not laid off in a recent interview. To quote Jeremy Clarkson, "Oh no!........ Anyway."

While the news about the Obi-Wan Kenobi series being delayed is certainly a downer, a new rumor from another company under the Disney umbrella, if true, sounds promising. The chatter surrounds two new Marvel television series supposedly headed to Disney+.

One of the series is said to feature a Marvel Cinematic Universe character around the level of Loki, so anyone in that range is a possibility, and honestly, with the potential candidates, I’m not even worried about it, I have enough confidence in Marvel that I’m not even going to make a suggestion because no matter who it is (assuming this rumor turns out to be true) I’m going to watch the series

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The other show that might be would be based on the comic book, Secret Invasion, which had Leinil Francis Yu behind the pencil and Brian Michael Bendis behind the pen. The comic had appearances from Elektra and Spider-Woman and exposed that many people on Earth were actually Skrulls who were here as part of a, well, secret invasion. Another part of the rumor says this series is set to tie in with the Captain Marvel films.

This information comes from BleedingCool, the author of the piece notes he was on point with news of Quiksilver being killed off and Inhumans being canceled. So maybe a smaller grain of salt with this one folks, fingers crossed.

Would you watch a Secret Invasion series? And which MCU star would you like to see come to Disney+ Next? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: BleedingCool

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