In today’s Barside Buzz we share some rumored details on Sigourney Weaver’s character Bishop in The Mandalorian and Grogu. Yes, you read that right. After being famous for paying opposite a character called Bishop in Aliens, the circle is now complete. According to Jeff Sneider, Weaver plays a New Republic Colonel that goes by the name Bishop in the film.
Sneider revealed the news on the latest episode of The Hot Mic with co-host John Rocha. Now if you recall, it was Sneider who first broke the news Weaver had been cast in the movie to begin with. Ergo, I’m pretty confident this news is 100% legit. To add to that it has now been backed up by Bespin Bulletin. Here’s what they had to say.
“I can confirm what Sneider has heard and that I’ve heard this from more than one source. I don’t have a ton to add to this story other than she loves to play Sabacc. It’s worthless information I know, but that’s all I got for this character who has little screen time in the movie.’
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It would surprise me if Weavers is a very small role. However, there is the chance that they plan to bring this Bishop character back, maybe for some TV appearances, or Filoni’s MandoVerse climax movie.
I’ve said before that nothing I have heard about this film since its inception have filled me with confidence. Sneider also claims that director of The Mandalorian Grogu, Jon Favreau was sick for a few weeks. This meant he had to sort of direct remotely using assistants such as Kim Richards, Peter Ramsay and even Dave Filoni for a while.
I have heard a few rumors about Favreau on this picture also. However, I won’t back this up in any way. I need to clarify some details before making any claims public, so bear with us on this.
What do you think of these rumored details on Sigourney Weaver’s character Bishop in The Mandalorian and Grogu? Thoughts below as always.