Toward the end of Revenge of the Sith, Mace Windu led other Jedi Masters on the council in an attempt to arrest Chancellor Palpatine. We all know that Palpatine disposed of the all of them rather quickly (with rather simple lightsaber moves), except Mace Windu, played by Samuel L. Jackson. The two dueled Windu appeared to have defeated Palpatine, who was revealed to be the Sith Lord the Jedi were looking for.
Mace put up a good fight, but he (as far we know) met his end at the hand of Palpatine, of course with a helping hand from Anakin Skywalker. Most fans know that assumed dead isn’t certain in a galaxy far, far away, Boba Fett made it out of the Sarlacc pit, Darth Maul survived being sliced in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi, so there’s no reason Mace Windu couldn’t make a return. Jackson recently spoke with JOE, and the outlet asked him if he would be game to reprising his role as Jedi Master Windu, you can check out what he had to say below.
“I’m that guy. All they got to do is call.”
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While Mace disarmed Palpatine and had him dead to rights, I have to believe as powerful as Windu was, he was no match for Darth Sidious. It was all part of the plan to get Anakin to take the final step to the Darkside. Palpatine could have taken Mace out at any time, in my opinion.
Having said all that, I do like Mace, and wouldn’t mind seeing him return, if it was handled correctly. We’ve seen Jedi force jump, so he could have survived the fall, and as we all know, replacing a hand/arm in the Star Wars Universe is a routine procedure. So it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see an older Mace Windu assuming he was brought back in the right show, during the right time.
Would you like to see Mace Windu return? Also, did Mace defeat Palpatine during the Revenge of the Sith duel, or was Palpatine just playing coy? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: JOE