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Shawn Levy Explains How He Was Offered Directing A Star Wars Movie

Benioff and Weiss detail their cancelled Star Wars trilogy, plus some Barside Buzz that there's still no script for the Rey sequel.

In a recent interview, Shawn Levy explains how we he was offered directing a Star Wars movie. Though, he is not willing to discuss any details. We’ve know for a while now that Levy is developing a Star Wars movie at the behest of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. However, the WGA strike happened and only recently ended. Ergo, Levy  hasn’t really been able to develop the idea further.

Speaking with Wired, Levy was asked where his Star Wars movie is at right now?

“There’s an idea. We have been frozen since the writers strike. We’re stalled.”

Levy then went on to detail where the offer came from and what it was that Kennedy was after.

“The last few years have been a little surreal, but also quite thrilling because all the goals that I had and semi given up on are coming true. I always wanted to make a period piece drama, then I got the rights to All the Light We Cannot See. I’m doing Deadpool. And I got the call from [Lucasfilm president] Kathleen Kennedy, who basically said, “I see what you’re doing, particularly Free Guy and The Adam Project, both of which have a certain sense of audience delight and playfulness that many of the best Star Wars movies have had.”

“She was very clear that it was open terrain as far as subject matter and theme and timeline. She was willing to bet on my interests as long as it felt like a Shawn Levy movie.”

However, when asked what era of Star Wars Levy’s movie would be set, he clammed up.

“I like being alive, so I won’t say more.”

Neither you should Shawn, for your sake. Emperor Kennedy is not as forgiving as Darth Fiege.

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All jokes aside, truth is we don’t have a script yet. If there’s no script, there’s no movie and no greenlight coming from KK. It’s that simple. Levy has a chance to write a great movie and hopefully get it off the ground. But if his script sucks, Lucasfilm as we know will move on without him.

What do you think of director Shawn Levy’s comments as he explains how we he was offered directing a Star Wars movie? Thoughts below as always.

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