Shoreh Aghdashloo has been spotted on the set of The Wheel of Time Season 3 which recently began filming. However, is she playing Cadsuane as the fans pushed for? We kinda. don’t know, yet.
You may remember that Aghdashloo was fan cast by many as an Aes Sedai character called Cadsuane. However, we know the plan for Season 3 was to follow more closely the plot of Book 4 of the series, The Shadow Rising. Therefore, we have one slight issue when it comes to Aghdashloo playing Cadsuane as fans wanted. In the books, Cadsuane whilst present elsewhere canonically, is only created and introduced by creator Robert Jordan in Book 7.
We picked up the Shoreh Aghdashloo story from WOTSeries and they had similar speculation to me. First let’s look at the sighting and where that comes from. Check out the post below from a fan close to where filming is underway on Season 3.
During my lunch break, I met C̶a̶d̶s̶u̶a̶n̶e̶ Emmy Award winner and Oscar nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo. I love her game in the Expanse. An amazingly charismatic and empathic woman. Thank you for the photo 🙂 #theexpanse #thewheeloftimeseries #thewheeloftime #twitteroftime
— Vladimir Strokatov (@Vstrokatov) May 17, 2023
As you can see, the fan says Cadsuane, but neither WOTSeries or I are convinced this is 100% locked.
Cadsuane or Elaida?
Could the show choose to introduce Cadsuane earlier in the story? Absolutely, and I can even think of an appropriate way to do it if you keep reading on. However, at the same time, WOTSeries points out, like I did above, that it is perhaps too early for Cadsuane? If so, is there a possibility Aghdashloo has been hired as another character? The answer has to be yes. Let’s take a look at the old exchange that happened between Aghdashloo and The Wheel of Time showrunner Rafe Judkins back in 2021.
Girl, I’m in. I don’t know how to use Twitter but if I did I would DM you. You’ve been on my mood board for a certain character since 2018 haha.
— Rafe Judkins (@rafejudkins) December 19, 2021
It is possible that Judkins had Aghdashloo in mind for another role? One character that was infamously absent from Season 1 was Elaida, another Aes Sedai. I like many WoT fans was worried Elaida was being dropped and merged instead with Liandrin, a character we did meet in Season 1. However, it is possible that Elaida won’t be revealed until Season 2 as that is the first time we will go to the City of Caemlyn. Caemlyn appears in Book 1, but we know those scenes were being held back for Season 2 of the show. It is there in the books we also first meet Elaida. Elaida is also Aes Sedai, who’s role is an advisor to Caemlyn’s Queen Morgase. I’d say Elaida also see’s herself as the mentor for Morgase’ daughter Elayne, who is being groomed to join the White Tower and train as an Aes Sedai.
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I’m not saying this is the case by the way, and neither did the outlet linked above. However, there is no way Aghdashloo is playing random Aes Sedai number 23. Therefore, In my mind there are only three possibilities that work. Cadsuane is the best fit because as Aes Sedai go, she’s fairly old. Elaida is less of a good fit for the ‘book version’, because Aghdashloo is a little too old. However, the ‘agelessness’ of the Aes Sedai was always going to be tough to pull off on screen, so Elaida would still work for me. The final option would be for one of the baddies who will start to be introduced more in Season 2 onward. There are several Forsaken that Aghdashloo could be playing. However, I feel like they would have given themselves a younger look, and I won’t get into why at this point.
I’ll therefore say this, I still think Cadsuane is the call. I think Season 3 may show us a flashback to Cadsuane bringing in a false Dragon to be paraded in front of Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat. This particular false Dragon did show up in Book 4, and therefore it could be a small appearance by Aghdashloo which teases her joining the main cast in Season 4 or 5? If not, my second choice is Elaida, and I’m not going to say much more about these characters to avoid any spoilers for non-book readers.
To recap, Shoreh Aghdashloo has been spotted on the set of The Wheel of Time Season 3. However, despite all the fan casting after Season 1, we can’t answer the question yet of, is she playing Cadsuane? As always, please share any thoughts you have on this news, and my reasoning in the usual place below.