While we are all quite familiar with Captain America, Marvel has another captain across the pond, Captain Britain. British actor Simon Pegg said during a recent interview with JoBlo, that if Marvel ever decided to bring Captain Britain into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he would like to have a go at the role.
“I mean, Captain Britain was this Marvel superhero that I loved growing up, ’cause he was the British member of that community. I even have a Captain Britain mask when I was a kid, but I fear I would probably be slightly too old now, but if they do have… If a Captain Britain movie comes about, they’re gonna need a British cast, so… I’ll be waiting”
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While I don’t know much about the character, I do know Pegg’s worked pretty well, and I say if the role ever comes up, give the guy a shot. Though Pegg may be correct in saying the may be a little too old for the role, it just depends on how they wrote this iteration of the character. Pegg is currently 48, which is five years older than Robert Downey Jr. was when he began playing Iron Man.
What are your thoughts on Simon Pegg taking on the role of Captain Britain? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: JoBlo (via ScreenRant)