In the past few seasons of South Park, we have seen Mr. Garrison (RIP Mr. Hand) decide to run for President of the United States, and he has basically been turned into a caricature of President Trump. According to Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the creators of South Park) they will no longer focus much attention on politics, as to them, “It’s not something you can makefun of.” Check out the quotes from their interview with ABC news:
Trey Parker: “They’re already going out and doing the comedy, it’s not something you can make fun of. It’s tricky and it’s really tricky now as satire has become reality. We were really trying to make fun of what was going on [last season] but we couldn’t keep up. What was actually happening was way funnier than anything we could come up with. So we decided to just back off and let [the politicians] do their comedy and we’ll do ours.â€
Matt Stone: “We’re having our head blown off like everybody elseâ€
My guess is that they voted for Hillary, and they did actually have to modify the “after-election” episode at the last minute to reflect the voting results. While we are not a site for politics, and you will never know my opinions; comedy in politics is always quite funny. So, I am disappointed to see that we will get very little, or none of, Mr. Garrison’s version of Trump. I was hoping to see a full season of Mr. Garrison but I guess they are too upset about the election results, as many celebrities are, to continue the run.
Either way, I have been a big fan of the series for 20 years, and I will be happy with whatever they give us in the 21st season of the show.
Season 21 of South Park airs this year, and they have signed on for 3 more seasons.
Anyone else here still watch the show? Gees, it seems like I watch everything. Would you rather season 21 be about Mr. Garrison or are you happy to get away from politics? Should Hillary have beaten Trump? No, I am kidding, do NOT answer that.
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Source: ABC News (via Screenrant)