Spanish Dub Actor Confirms Tobey Maguire In No Way Home?

Are Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire in No Way Home, the third Marvel produced Spider-Man solo film? The rumors won’t go away and yet some fans don’t buy any of it. Some fans are even convinced that if Garfield or Maguire show up they will not be playing ‘Spider-Men’ as it were. Way I see it, there’s no smoke without fire and I’ve seen too much evidence to suggest Maguire and Garfield are the movie to ignore it. Today we share another piece of evidence for Maguire in No Way Home.

Tobey Maguire’s Spanish voice dub actor was recently asked for the umpteenth time if he was working on No Way Home. This time however, he decided to answer. Maguire’s Mexican non-union counterpart Senor Tobias Maguero, may have to be brought in for dubbing this time. I would have to bet that that Roger Pera will get into bother for this one. Check out the social media post below, plus translation below that. Courtesy of @cebapuerta.

So Pera is saying he has had word from Sony and that he will be recording dialogue for this movie. Given that Pera regularly dubs for Maguire in Spanish, you connect the dots here. I do hope Pera doesn’t get into trouble for this. If Sony were seriously trying to keep this secret till December then they’ve done an awful job. Recently you may remember that Evan Peters Spanish dub actor was fired for revealing he was in WandaVision. Again, I think that was harsh, because the game was up with Peters some time before that.

RELATED: Spider-Man: No Way Home Set Photos Round-Up

Personally I think studios need to play the game a little better. Sure, try to keep your secrets, but after a certain point, the cat is more out of the bag that in it. Sometimes they should just monitor the online chat and say, ‘f*** it, let’s just announce this and get some marketing’.

What do you think, is Tobey Maguire in No Way Home, or is this the biggest troll in studio history? As always, leave any thoughts you have below.

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