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Star Trek: Film Producer Producer Believes Franchise Can Survive Without Captain Kirk

UPDATE: LRM originally labeled Shankar as a Star Trek producer, but he is not. He is just a film and TV producer. LRM regrets the error.


Can a franchise survive without one of it’s most popular characters? More specifically, can Star Trek? We may find out the answer to that soon enough, but at least one film producer, Adi Shankar, believes that losing Chris Pine and in turn Captain Kirk, wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. In speaking with ScreenRant, Shankar expressed his thoughts on the matter.

“Losing Pine and Kirk is not a big deal and kind of cool. Actors don’t matter, stories do. This is the universe presenting an opportunity to do something different and boldly go where no suits have gone before.”

RELATED: Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth Walk Away From Star Trek 4 Talks

In general, I have to disagree with Shankar, actors do matter. Does story matter more? Probably, but it’s the right combination of the two, plus great direction (along with many other factors) that brings a wonderful script off the page and onto the screen. I’m not saying that Star Trek would fail without Kirk, but it would make the overall task far more difficult. As you can read about in the RELATED section above, both Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth left talks for Star Trek 4. Whether or not the studio will attempt to return to negotiations remains to be seen.

Would you watch a Star Trek film without Captain Kirk? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: ScreenRant

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