While us peasants are likely months away from seeing footage from the still untitiled Episode IX, there are some lucky folks out there that get treated to early viewings. Self-proclaimed Disneyphile Scott Ladewig was one such individual who got a sneak peak at a few upcoming projects from the House of Mouse.
As you can see in his tweet just below, Ladewig saw clips of Avengers: Endgame, Episode IX, and The Lion King. Of course there’s no way to verify the information that Ladewig is giving us, so as usual take all this with a grain of salt.
The footage from Avengers, Episode IX, Lion King, and Aladdin all looked great. Hopefully the people up in arms about the genie will settle down once they see what we saw.
— Scott Ladewig (@Ladewig) March 7, 2019
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Here are some of the things Ladewig claims to have seen.
“We saw a blockade runner in an abandoned looking hangar. An explosion knocking Stormtroopers in a starship hangar bay. Kylo Ren in a white room looking at the Vader helmet. Rey, Finn, Poe in Falcon cockpit.”
“Lando briefly. Rey with Chewie’s bowcastet. Finn in some abandoned looking ship interior.”
@dizparks just reminded me that we saw a marketplace (?) scene with Rey walking through and some aliens.”
You can read through his actual tweets if you want, but I thought I’d just post the Star Wars relevant information for you folks. So not a whole lot to go from there, but interesting nonetheless. I have a feeling that Disney withholding the title, and the trailer, there is something up with this film, I have no idea what that is, but let’s just say, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
What are your thoughts on these descriptions? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Scott Ladewig