Mark Hamill may be the man who’s portrayed everyone’s favorite archetypal hero, but in spite of his involvement in one of the greatest franchises of all time, his perspective has always been pretty darn fanboy-focused. Like many of us, there were many expectations he had with the new trilogy of films going into it, and in recent years, he’s made his opinions very well known that he’s not a fan of everything that’s went down.
During the promotional rounds for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, he made it clear that he had a problem with the way Luke Skywalker was portrayed in the film. Rather than giving us a hero who was very much in the vein of who he was at the end of Return of the Jedi, we were given a grumpy, cynical old man. But that’s not all. He also thinks it was a missed opportunity that the core three members of the original trilogy never reunited on screen.
“Everyone talks about the shock of realizing that in Force Awakens I don’t come in until the last page,” Hamill told THR, reiterating a problem he’s shared in the past. “A bigger shock to me was them killing Han Solo before Luke could ever see his best friend again. It might be so selfishly motivated, but I said, ‘Holy cow, that’s a real missed opportunity.’ Even having the three of us together briefly.”
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He’s expressed this before, but apparently, he even pitched an idea to Abrams about how this could have been done.
“I pitched Abrams on the idea of having me come in at the end, but how about Leia’s trying to contact me telepathically. She gets frustrated because there’s no answer, so she rushes to the new Death Star. She almost gets there when she’s stopped by two stormtroopers. Just before she’s abducted, one stormtrooper turns to the other, blows him away, pulls off his helmet and says, ‘Hi sis, I’m here to rescue you.’ I said, ‘It’ll blow the roof off the joint.'”
Sigh. Not to be that guy, but I hate it. I’m all for fan service, but when it becomes so “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” that it takes me out of it, I cringe. That would have made me cringe because it feels more like a nod to the audience than anything someone would say. But that’s just me.
What did you think of Hamill’s pitch? Let us know down below!
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