UPDATE: Looks like this photo was, as speculated, super fake. Check at the bottom of the post to find out how we know.
What a week it’s been for ‘Star Wars’ fans. First is the rumor that Darth Vader will be rearing his head in “Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One,†and then the confirmation that Phil Lord and Chris Miller would be directing a Han Solo origin story.
As cool as all that was, the upcoming information is definitely the biggest news we’ve had so far, and it comes ahead of the San Diego Comic Con Hall H panel. So if you’d rather be surprised, I urge you to look away now.
You still with me? Great!
An interesting image popped up on Imgur (hat tip to Indie Revolver), and the photo shows the upcoming slate for the next six “Star Wars†flicks, including the Episodic films and Anthology films. Looks like some Hall H staffer thought they’d leak the word out ahead of time. Unfortunately the dates in the photo are completely illegible, but we’ll mix and match what we know for now to help give you a complete picture.
· “Star Wars: The Force Awakens†– December 18, 2015
· “Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One†– December 16, 2016
· “Star Wars Episode VIII†– May 26, 2017
· “Star Wars Anthology: Fett/Solo†– May 25, 2018
· “Star Wars Episode IX†– (Unknown 2019)
· “Star Wars Anthology: Kenobi: The Balance of the Force†– (Unknown 2020)
So there you have it! According to the photo, this is what we can expect for the next five or so years from the “Star Wars†franchise. Of course, that’s assuming this is even real. There are a couple of red flags here, to be sure.
First is the “Kenobi†flick. Disney is really good at marketing their brand, and they’ve gone to great lengths to ensure the “Anthology†films stand out from the Episodic films as something different. Based on the art for the “Kenobi†movie, it looks to randomly drop the “Anthology†moniker in favor of the cheesy “Balance of the Force†subtitle-within-a-subtitle. It’s a bit sloppy, and I’d expect something a little less confusing from them.
The second red flag is the “Fett/Solo†Anthology movie. Yesterday, the official “Star Wars†website announced that Phil Lord and Chris Miller would be making a Han Solo film. No mention in that announcement was Boba Fett. While it’s possible Disney wanted to save the BIG surprise for the Hall H panel, it is a bit curious.
The third red flag is the placement of the films in the image. We know for now that the order of films goes: “The Force Awakens,†“Rogue One,†“Episode VIII,†and the Solo spinoff film (based on the recent announcement). But in the image, the Obi-Wan film shows up before the Fett/Solo film. Of course, we could be misreading it. My instinct is to go left-to-right, and this graphic could very well read clockwise in the presentation.
The last red flag is the content itself. While all of these films seem great, they seem like nothing more than a realization of what all the rumors have been hearing. In one fell swoop, they’ve managed to bring the Boba Fett and recent Obi-Wan rumors into reality, and it’s almost too clean to be believed. But, we’ll have to just wait until the Hall H panel to see if it’s real.
Though I have to say, it is real…I wish Disney would take more risks with their spinoff films.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. While I appreciate what they’re doing with the Anthology films, I think they should separate themselves even further from the main plot. Sure it doesn’t actually follow the same overall plotline, but the fact that it revolves around the same characters makes me feel like it’s nothing but a missed opportunity to expand the universe even more.
Do you think this photo is real? If it is, what are your thoughts on this lineup?
UPDATE: As mentioned at the top, this information looks to be fake. On top of the reasons originally listed above, we have a comparison photo that proves it’s fake.
This is not the Hall H we all know and love, now is it?
Sources: Indie Revolver, Imgur