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Star Wars: So Rey’s Lack Of Training Has Been Explained And It Sucks

In a recent interview, Daisy Ridley says she's ready for a Rey return in the upcoming Star Wars sequel currently in development.

Rey’s Lack of training has been explained. As if there was ever any doubt, the story group at Lucasfilm have retconned a reason why Rey seemingly needed no training in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. And again, as if there was any doubt, it’s dumb as hell.

We could argue back and forth about whether Rey got more or less training than Luke. Fact is, she got a hell of a lot less, end of story. Luke undergoes weeks to a month of one to one training under Yoda, and he’s still a novice. Finally after years of teaching himself between Empire and Jedi, Luke truly learns the skills to become a Jedi Knight.

The first two episodes of the Star Wars sequel trilogy take place over a matter of days, to a week. Less than a week after first discovering she could even use the Force, Rey seems far more powerful than Leia. Remember the rocks scene, Leia can’t lift them, but Rey can? Now, a bit more time passed between Episode 8 and Episode 9 and we see Rey being trained by Leia. The same Leia who barely uses the Force in Episode 7, or 8.

None of this ever added up to me. Lucasfilm must have had similar concerns, because the Star Wars story group has come up with an explanation for Rey’s amazing power to learn. Yep, in true Star Wars fashion, they’ve tried to explain an inconsistency in a movie after the fact. It turns out, it’s all fine, because Rey has an ability called psychometry. Never heard of it? That’s because it didn’t exist (in this form) until The Star Wars Book released through DK.

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In a section on Force abilities, it is said that Rey has an innate Force power called psychometry. Check it out courtesy of Screen Rant.

“Some Force abilities require years of training, a form of instinctual aptitude, or a very strong connection to the Force to access. A small number of Force users, including Rey and Cal Kestis, have the rare ability of psychometry, which allows them to learn about people or events by touching an object associated with them.”

Psychometry was actually introduced in The Clone Wars animated show. However, I don’t recall Quinlan Vos being able to learn any Jedi ability just out of thin air. Instead the animated show had Vos experience what he perceived quite vividly. This works for Rey’s flashbacks when holding Anakin’s Lightsaber, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.

I call this jumping the shark. The entire sequel trilogy was just J.J. Abrams and co Jet-skiing over a rubber shark. I hate the way none of this was ever even hinted at in the movies. You know why? Because the people making the movies did not care for explanations, that’s not there job. They get freedom to make some bogus movies ,and the Star Wars story group has to retcon and fill in the gaps around them. The healing abilities introduced in The Mandalorian and The Rise of Skywalker? Just flipping the Jet-ski on the way over the shark for this fan.

Sorry Star Wars, C-, must do better.

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SOURCE: Screen Rant

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