Keri Russell is most well known for two things, Felicity and The Americans. These are two completely different types of TV shows from different eras and help to show that the actress has some range. Her casting in the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker had fans theorizing many different roles including Rey’s mother. We still don’t much about her character, Zorii Bliss, but Russell was really moved by the script.
In a recent interview with the Associated Press Russell expressed how emotional she was when reading the J.J. Abrams script:
“When I read his script that he wrote I cried. I mean who knows what it will turn out to be and I hope it remains true to what he originally wanted.”
Actors are constantly expressing how emotional a script or scene was, but I often wonder how much of that is just them playing into the fans and their expectations. In the same interview, she describes the Star Wars films being some of the first movies she ever saw in a theater. She was born in 1976 so I’m guessing she may have seen The Empire Strikes Back and/or Return of the Jedi.
In regards to the Abrams following up Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi and finishing the saga, she had this say:
“He’s not trying to change it to be something else. He really respects what it is.”
As we get closer to the December 20th release I feel both relief and fear for the film. I am relieved that it seems they won’t retcon TLJ completely, but there are a lot of things going on in this movie and I fear it’ll feel overstuffed and choppy.
What do you think of Russell’s comments? What do you think her character’s importance to the story is? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: AP