There has been a lot of news about Stranger Things over the last week. We have learned why the second season is presented more like a sequel, the scope of the show’s budget, and a good bit of information on the new spider like creature known as the shadow monster. With the premiere of the show’s second effort just under a month away, the show runners are already looking to the future with an endgame in sight. Producer Shawn Levy spoke with Entertainment Weekly and talked about how long fans can expect the show to continue.
“Hearts were heard breaking in Netflix headquarters when the Brothers made four seasons sound like an official end, and I was suddenly getting phone calls from our actors’ agents. The truth is we’re definitely going four seasons and there’s very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely.”
RELATED: Stranger Things 2: How The Shadow Monster Will Be Different From The Demogorgon
Four seasons seems about right if you ask me, at least with this set of characters. The Duffer brothers could easily continue on with their wonderful nostalgia parade and come at the 80s from a different angle. They actually would have a quite a few options available to them, as the 80s are chocked full of cinematic goodness. Co-creator of Stranger Things, Ross Duffer, also spoke with Entertainment Weekly and backed up the four season idea, but seems a bit less optimistic about a fifth season.
“I think [season 2] will be a satisfying end but there’s still danger out there. There’s too much to deal with in one more season. If we’re able to, there will be at least four, there could be more. I think there’s going to come a point where why aren’t these people leaving Hawkins? Like we’re going to stretch credibility. It wasn’t intended to be a seven-season thing.”
The ages of the actors is also something to consider here, by the time the fourth season premieres, the kids will be all grown up. Now what I think would be really cool is 10 years after the show ends, bring it back for one more season and use the original actors and have a return to Hawkins in sort of a homage to IT, and maybe have the demogorgon or perhaps a monster we are yet to see return. A show like Stranger Things could only come from a decade like the 80s, the movies produced during that time period seem to have certain way about them, and I feel this is specific to the era, Perhaps over the next few decades there will be shows based on films of the 90s or the 2000s, but I can’t see them having the same allure as the 80s.
Stranger Things returns October 27.
How many season do you think Stranger Things should go? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Entertainment Weekly