The reviews are in for Super Mario Odyssey, and they are overwhelmingly positive. The new game has earned an overall Metacritic score of 97. The latest entry into the long running franchise has just enough of what makes Mario great, mixed with new features that have won fans over. Many of the reviews call to being transported back to older Mario games. You can read some of the verdicts below.
“Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece. It surprised me regularly, delighted me constantly, and smashed my expectations in ways I’d never have predicted. The deftly woven combination of nostalgic themes, intuitive gameplay, and incredibly inventive design make this not only the best Mario game to date, but one of the most joyful and compelling games ever made.”
“It’s impossible to pinpoint a fault in Super Mario Odyssey, which both elegantly and eloquently surprises and calls back to its storied history. It’s a game full of surprises; one that plays with your expectations and supersedes them in almost every way. If you have a Switch (or are yet to get one), it’s simply essential.”
“A mix of the nostalgic, the fantastical, and the wonderfully bizarre, Mario’s latest adventure provides more than a dozen tantalizing playgrounds to explore. With hundreds of collectibles, Kingdoms full of delightful details, and secrets waiting around every corner, Super Mario Odyssey is bound to keep players exploring long after the credits roll.”
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Along with the many new ideas and features of Super Mario Odyssey, one of the more popular is the ability to ‘capture’ objects and animals, essentially taking control of them is one of the more popular new features of the game.
Mario is the most recognizable video game character the world over, and has brought many hours of joy to children over the last three decades, and judging by the reviews of Super Mario Odyssey, the mustachioed adventurer will continue to do so for years to come.
Will you be picking up Super Mario Odyssey? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: metacritic