Last weeks episode was pretty intense and left us with the unilateral decision from Kendra to keep Savage alive. “Leviathan†was the action filled episode that kept the audience entertained with Ray Palmer supersizing to fight the Leviathan and Kendra muscling the courage to fight Vandal Savage. With three episodes left in the season we all knew Kendra’s decision to let Savage live in order to save Carter was a bad one. This left us with an episode that focused more on Savage than ever before. While it was entertaining to watch Savage psychologically mess with the team a la Hannibal Lector, this type of episode would have been more engaging in the middle of the season.
Savage’s cunning ways allowed us to understand his motives on a deeper level. For centuries this man has been tormented by the woman he loves Kendra always finding Carter. Another revelation was the fact he admitted to having children throughout his life and seeing them die has had an emotional impact him. This is a man that has been tormented by his immortality and constantly seen the people he loves be taken away from him. This gave Savage some credibility on why he has turned into the man that he is.
The rest of the cast mainly took a back seat from the main plot but we did get to see some meaningful flashbacks of some of the crew before they left on their mission. I wonder along with some other if this is foreshadowing to someone’s death in the near future. The storyline between Jackson and Stein was a redemption story for Stein. In order to save Jackson’s life Stein sends Jackson back to 2016 which will reverse the aging process Jackson suffered repairing the ship. This probably isn’t the last time we will see Jackson this season but it was a nice gesture for Stein to do to make up for kidnapping Jackson onto the ship in the first place.
The Ray/Kendra/Carter Love Triangle looks to finally be over. With Ray finally accepting his fate thanks to Savages confession that he is tormented that he can’t and will never have Kendra. This has definitely been the weak point of the show. Kendra’s and Ray’s relationship was doomed from the beginning and with Carter now back into the mix we can finally put it to rest that Kendra and Ray will never happen. What was intriguing out of all this is how much Ray and Savage were alike when it came to Kendra. Both are heartbroken over the fact that they cannot have
The ending of the show which showed that the Time Masters were actually on Savage’s side the entire time. Even knowing that Savage will eventually destroy the Earth and has the capability to time travel the Time Masters don’t seem bothered at all by this. The quote at the end where Rip doesn’t look at the bigger picture of the timeline must reference that Vandal Savage will be taken down at a later period.
With a couple of episodes left in the season we are down to the wire with what will happen to the team or Savage. In my opinion this show could go either way for the finale. The CW has already renewed Legends of Tomorrow for a second season but in my opinion the team needs to be smaller for it to succeed to a third season.