This episode of LRM’s Trivia Gauntlet of Infinite Doom featured a very schwifty prize in the form of a Rick and Morty portal gun. Sadly, we only had one reader comment and that was Twitter user Drawed_at_birth. Worry not, there will be more prizes and more opportunities, just keep an eye out here at the site and follow us on Twitter at LRM Exclusive.
The coolest trivia game on the Internet is back once again to make you feel as if your nerd knowledge isn’t quite what you thought it to be. More of the strangest, hardest, and unique questions from the world’s of film, television, comics, video games, and more. Even though the portal gun has new owner the writers of LRM will compete on your behalf in future episodes so be on the lookout next week for your chance to win a cool geeky prize.
As all-around geeks, we have a good deal of what many would deem useless knowledge. This knowledge covers almost all aspects of nerddom including movies, television, comic books, and so on and so forth. The amount of random factoids that nerds such us can file away in our brains is really quite spectacular. So we kept that in mind when creating our trivia game.
While we love our trivia game and think it’s pretty unique, it’s still in its infancy. If you have any suggestions or comments about the show send them to the show’s host, Cam Clark at [email protected], or to me at [email protected]. We welcome all feedback.
Continue the LRM Online conversation on Discord by CLICKING HERE!
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