The Batman Blu-ray Details Revealed Plus Release Date And Special Features

In a recent interview Andy Muschietti says Batman: The Brave and the Bold is still coming and that Battinson won't be in the DCU.

WB have announced The Batman Blu-ray details including the release date and a list of special features that will appear on the disk. The Batman will arrive on HBO Max for subscribers on April 18th. However for those not subscribing, (or unable like me), the hard disk Blu-ray won’t be released until May 24th.

I’m sure like me there are many of you eager to pick up the BR or 4K version when it hits physical. The special features have been revealed and as usual will consist of some featurettes on sequences as well as some deleted scenes.

Here are a list of those special features listed on the press release.

Vengeance In The Making, Vengeance Meets Justice, The Batman: Genesis, Becoming Catwoman, Looking for, Vengeance, Anatomy of The Car Chase, Anatomy of The Wingsuit, A Transformation: The Penguin, The Batmobile, Unpacking The Icons, Deleted Scenes with Director’s Commentary.

Some of these seem pretty straightforwards and others a complete mystery. Therefore we have no idea for example how many deleted scenes we might get to see in these features. The presser only says what you read above, so it could be 2, or 10?

RELATED: The Batman Had A Shorter Cut That Didn’t Test Well

I guess I’m not really one of the fans who buys physical copes for those special features. Sure, I may check them out, once. However, the reason I have a disk is for easy access at the best quality I can get. With Disney+ I don’t feel the need to buy Marvel or Star Wars any longer. With no HBO Max in the U.K. though, I will pick up a movie I enjoyed as much as The Batman.

I suppose if HBO Max ever comes to my shores, then I will likely stop buying their movies also and subscribe instead.

What do you think of these The Batman Blu-ray details? What about the special features. will you be picking this up on release date? Thoughts below.


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