The currently untitled The Batman prequel show in HBO Max has been in development for some time. All we know really is that it is supposed to take place with Robert Pattinson’s Batman in his first year, and revolve around Gotham PD. Yes, we have been here before with Gotham a little. That show seemed like it was a Batman show without having Batman in it, and as such, was not for me. Once again, we assume Batman will not be in this prequel show to The Batman, though I hope that does not affect the quality in the same way. Personally, I’d love to see Pattinson’s Batman make cameo appearances in the show, but who knows? Right now there are no rumors that Pattinson will feature in the show.
According to a report by The Illuminerdi, The Batman prequel show has a new working title and perhaps an intriguing one.
According to our sources it looks like the untitled Gotham PD series may finally have a new working title, Arkham. The series is said to not only be a prequel to the highly anticipated The Batman taking place during the vigilante’s first year, but from the perspective of a corrupt Gotham police officer. But what could the working title Arkham mean?
From here we are in to speculation territory. First off, let’s understand one important detail. Working titles don’t matter worth a damn! If you think otherwise then you can explain to me what Blue Harvest has to do with the movie Return of the Jedi? I could give a hundred similar examples, but you get the point. What I am saying, is that just because the working title is Arkham, does not mean the famous Mental Asylum will be the focus of the show.
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Then again, Arkham is famously corrupt. If the show follows a corrupt cop as rumored, then the two could cross. Could we see Arkham just prior to all the real loonies showing up, or will there already be some of Batman’s rogues within? Your guess is as good as anyone’s right now folks.
What do you think of the news The Batman prequel show has a working title of Arkham? Sound off below in the Bat-Chat, just type away on your Bat-Phone or your Battop. Ok I’ll stop now.