We are over half way through Season 1 now, so check out my The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 review. I will start by saying I enjoyed this episode much more than last week. In fact, for me this was the most enjoyable episode yet and I’ll try to define why without getting into any real spoilers for the story this week.
Best Episode Yet?
So far, for me, yes it was. I figured we might be down with the flashbacks after last week’s were minimal, instead this week once again the majority of the runtime was flashbacks. Though moving on in time from the last time we saw Boba mourning the death of the Tusken clan. Fett wants revenge against the bike clans, the Pykes, everyone, and he happens to run in to a certain Fennec Shand in dire need of help after the events we saw in Mando S1.
What I enjoyed most was seeing Fett be a bit of a bad-ass on a revenge trail. I think we understand more about where both Fett and Shand are coming from and why their relationship seems to have stuck. There is very little in the way of any action this week. However, I didn’t miss it. One small heist scene which was well done, but ultimately this was an episode focused on Fett and Shand and the interactions between the two were great.
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As for the current timeline, things once again progress slowly, but we do see the plan starting to form of where this season is building up to. Fett is getting ready for war and he needs allies. Given where things finish up on the flashback side, we could well be finally done with that. I say that like I hate it and want it over with and I know some do. However, I am enjoying the flashback scenes more than the current timeline scenes so far, so I’m not saying that. I just mean that given where we meet Fett in Mando S2, there does not appear a lot left to uncover.
I’m starting to get into the swing of the show now that’s for sure, so more like this and less like last week please Lucasfilm.
Real World Criticisms
On The Cantina so far, Kyle, Shockey and Myself have been discussing a lot of little Earth-details which have annoyed us about this show so far. This week there was nothing which stood out to me, though I did miss some of the previous ones so perhaps I’m not the best authority on that. One thing I did notice though was Shand giving a name to the Vespa crew from last week. They are called The Mods….Really? So they ride Mod scooters and are called The Mods, come on on John (Favreau), you can come up with something better than that.
Ultimately though that’s a minor gripe, especially this week and the rest of the content was in my opinion impressive and engaging. I’m really liking the characters of Fett and Shand. Whereas, a year ago, I could never have imagined that would be the case. I was not a huge Fett fan as he did almost nothing in the OT. I didn’t much like Fennec Shand when we first met her in Mando S1 either. However together, and developed further, I really do like this power couple (business wise) of the Star Wars Universe.
LRM claimed both Bossk and Bane would be in this show. Therefore I think I’ll make a guess as to where we will see both. Given they have worked together in the past, I could see Bossk being hired by Fett for his war. Though how he and another character now working for Fett might get along is anyone’s guess? I however do still think that Bane will ultimately be working against Fett. I’m pretty sure the Pykes are not working on their own. Given I think we will get a Season 2, I think we might get a reveal in the finale that Crimson Dawn are behind the whole thing.
As for who else might turn up? Well without spoilers I will only say the close of the episode had a certain musical que. When you recognize this music, it might also tease other allies Fett could call upon in his our of need.
Best episode yet for me.
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