Along with John Williams’ score, Ewan McGregor is the best thing to come out of the Star Wars prequels. As a young Obi-Wan Kenobi, McGregor is an absolute f***ing delight. Incredibly charming with an elegant beard and a voice to match, he stepped into an iconic role and made it his own.
Now, thanks to deepfake technology, we get to see young Obi-Wan as old Obi-Wan. A Youtuber by the name of Shamook has done the digital dirty work for us and given us something we thought we would never see, Ewan McGregor as old Ben Kenobi in A New Hope. The video is up top, check it out.
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I enjoy both portrayals of Obi-Wan, for different reasons. Sir Alec Guinness introduced us to the iconic and beloved character and will always and forever be old Ben Kenobi. Ewan McGregor gave us a look into a more youthful and fun version of the Jedi Master.
I think it would be pretty cool if edits such as this one were treated like DLC (downloadable content). The user downloads the edit, and his copy of the film is then modified. Such fascinating technology (as well as having the potential to be used for evil), and because it’s available to the average person, the parody possibilities are nearly endless.
Which Obi-Wan Kenobi is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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Source: Shamook