The Flash is back in full swing. We are getting to know more pieces of the puzzle. What direction will this week’s episode lead us to?
Cicada Will Become An Ally
Yes, Cicada wants revenge on all metas, but I have a feeling his niece will come out of her coma thanks to the help of Team Flash especially as they realized in this week’s episode that this could be the key. Once he is “defeated,” they will enlist in his help in order to take down a now free Reverse Flash. Will they be able to work with him even after Cicada pulled a Bane and broke Nora’s back while injecting her with dark matter? They have somewhat overdone Cicada’s hatred for metas this season, which leads me to believe that he will, in fact, make an about-face in order to help our heroes take down the real threat: Reverse Flash. Below are the reasons that Cicada will become an ally to Team Flash.
Experience Hunting Metas
Since the early episodes of the season fans have learned that Cicada is good at tracking metas. He doesn’t just come across them by chance, so that means he has to have a method for how intentionally he finds people, even before he was presented with a list of previously arrested metas. Almost every meta he has encountered he has defeated. Part of the reason he has been difficult to beat is due to the newness of his “abilities.” What I mean is that Team Flash have usually been able to defeat other metas because of their intelligence and because some of them are actual metas, but meta-technology is new territory. Cicada doesn’t have the same weaknesses as other metas. He has to be apart from his dagger, which we have seen in this week’s episode as well as Episode 8 “What’s Past Is Prologue” is not as easy as it seems since Cicada pretty much took down the entire team. Why not use this for good? If the team can get Cicada on their side, then he would be quite useful in tracking down, and defeating, a possibly-returning Reverse Flash.
He’s Being Manipulated
In the episode “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”, fans are given more characterization on Dr. Ambres who is not only taking care of Cicada’s niece while she is in her coma, but Cicada himself. Could she be the spark for his vendetta? I say yes. Dr. Ambres knows Cicada’s situation. She knows the entirety of it and she has been keeping quiet about it. I think that she has a deep hatred for metas (she probably has treated numerous individuals affected by said individuals) and is capitalizing on Cicada’s bitterness in order to do her bidding. This week’s episode has shown that he has also been living with doctor at which time she made it clear that she too doesn’t care for metas. Giving Cicada a list of arrested metas gives more weight to the idea that she is influencing him. Yes, he is a hurt man, but he is also a changed man with a big heart as we have seen in…
Cicada’s Backstory
Episode 7 also truly made Cicada one of the most sympathetic “villains” yet. He was a lost soul until he was forced into having custody of his niece, and in doing so, completely changed. He found a reason to live, which shows how much he is capable of loving. Because of that, could he really be a cold-blooded killer we have seen (literally…yes, but I mean on a deeper level)? Yes, he is “avenging” his niece, but is this the reality of his character? Based on Episode 7, I feel as if Cicada can be changed again because deep in his heart, he doesn’t want to be a killer. In the past seasons, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar, and The Thinker have all had selfish, personal gain in their goals at the expense of anyone and everyone, but Cicada is different. His niece and family are the priorities. Grace (his niece) will come out of her coma with the help of Team Flash. In doing so they will enlist his help on the real threat…Reverse Flash.
What did you think of this week’s episode? Are my theories legit, or am I an obvious idiot? What would you change? Leave your thoughts in the usual spot, and thanks for reading!
The Flash returns next Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.