When Warner Bros. first announced that there would be a standalone, crime-drama Joker origin story being produced, many tilted their head and let out a collective “huh?”
What would be the purpose of a Joker film that is not connected to the current timeline of films in the DC Extended Universe? Sure, there are plenty of “elseworld” runs and one-shots in the comic book world (stories that are in their own worlds and not connected to the publisher’s current continuity issues), but can that work for movies? Can mainstream moviegoers accept a standalone comic book film that does not mingle with the current world a franchise has set?
Only adding to the confusion is the fact that the director is Todd Phillips, a filmmaker who is better known for his comedy hits like Old School, Due Date, and The Hangover trilogy. While The Joker is a character that finds himself and his actions funny, the Clown Prince of Crime is known for causing only death, destruction and pure chaos for the citizens of Gotham City. With Phillips as the director, some have wondered if he can pull off the level of a serious crime film to balance out the Joker’s brand of humor.
Then, you see the level of talent that is tied to this film’s production. Martin Scorsese producing. Joaquin Phoenix cast as The Joker. Joining him in the cast are Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Francis Conroy, Marc Meron and Josh Pais. Moreover, there’s been the news that Phillips is using Scorsese’s films King Of Comedy and Taxi Driver as his inspiration for his film, which he has co-written. On top of that, just yesterday, Phillips posted a pre-clown face of Phoenix’s character Arthur Fleck, the person who will become the Joker in the film.
Related – Our First Look At Joaquin Phoenix In The Joker Film
As a Batman fan, this writer must admit he does not understand why this film is being made as a standalone film. It is slightly confusing given we are now in a world where comic universes have been created and, at least in the case of Marvel, are wildly successful. Yet, as a lover of ensemble crime-drama epics like Goodfellas, Casino, and The Departed, this film grabs my attention. The cast and director’s inspirations alone make me think this could be one hell of a great crime epic… which then makes me wish even more that it was tied to a comic universe.
I am so very confused with this film… and yet, I will be at my local theater on October 4th, 2019 to be one of the first to see it. So, I guess… well played, Phillips?
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